
Boghazkoi inscription and Achaemenian empire of Persia

Reference of Vedic Gods in Boghazkoi, Asia Minor Indian civilization was not always contained within its natural, geographical limits.…

Glimpse of Vedic Era - Social Life and Reference of Varna System - Ancient History Series

Vedic society was broadly based upon a four-fold division of labor among the different interests of national life: its le…

Glimpse of Vedic Era - Democratic ideas, Sabha & Samiti - Ancient History Series

The root of democratic thinking can be found in Rigveda. It has made of Democracy a Deity aptly named Samajnana or Samjnana, the collecti…

Glimpse of Vedic Era - Concept of Brahman, God & Dharma in Vedas - Ancient History Series

Vedic period is the starting phase of Indian Civilization and is recorded in the Vedas (वेद) constituting of the works known as the four …

Temple Architecture of Orissa - Introduction, Origin and Characteristics - Hindi

उड़ीसा का मंदिर स्थापत्य - परिचय उड़ीसा का प्राचीन नाम था कलिंग था जिसका उल्लेख खारवेल के हांथी-गुफ़ा अभिलेख में मिलता है। इस राज्य का ऐ…

Origin and Development of Mahajanpadas (Monarchical State) in Ancient India - Hindi

प्राचीन भारत में राजतंत्र का उद्भव एवं विकास - दशराज्ञ युद्ध पूर्व-वैदिक काल - Early Vedic Period पूर्व वैदिक काल में राजनीतिक संगठन क…

First Outside Invasion of India by Persian Achaemenid Empire and its impact - Hindi

तत्कालिक स्थिति - Political Scenario at the time of Persian Attack छठवीं शताब्दी से लेकर चौथी शताब्दी ईसा पूर्व तक, जिस समय मध्य भारत के र…

The Concept behind Hindu Temples - a brief note

Generally speaking, a temple is a 'Place of Worship'. It is also called the 'House of God'. However, for a Hindu it is both and …

Status of Women in India - Early Historical Period (Indus / Vedic / Renaissance)

Introduction The role and status of women throughout ancient and medieval period has been far from static ranging from one of authorit…
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